Join our June Music Workshops

Where the Fine-tuning of Musicians Happens


Concert Tickets are now On Sale!

The highly expected One Heart Virtuoso Concert Series will return to Ukiah for the summer of 2024. A rare occasion, where world-class virtuosos come together in Ukiah, sharing with audience some finest performances. The concert will present Barbara Bogatin, Cellist of the San Francisco Symphony; Jeremy Cohen, three-time Grammy-nominated violinst; guitarists Alex de Grassi and Dr. Maja Radovanija; violaist Paul Yarbrough; and saxophonist Dr. Wenbo Yin. 

Book your tickets here: One Heart Virtuoso Concert Tickets (with debit or credit cards) or at the Mendocino Book Company (102 S. School St, Ukiah, CA 95482; cash and checks only). 


with Alex de Grassi, 

Grammy-nominated Guitar Virtuoso 

and Dr. Maja Radovanlija, Professor of Guitar, University of Minnesota

with Cellist Barbara Bogatin,

San Francisco Symphony

and Dr. Cliff Saron, 

UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain

with Dr. Wenbo Yin, 

One Heart Institute Co-Artistic Director

with Dr. Alexander Kahn,

Assistant Conductor

Santa Rosa Symphony

Awareness, Sensibility, and Wellbeing

About Us

With a clear focus on cultivating a community of musicians (students, professionals, amateurs) driven by wholesome intentions, creativity, and sensibility, who in turn, will make the world a better place through their music, the One Heart Institute creates a supportive space for these individuals to practice, grow, and inquire together. At the One Heart Institute, we take an integrated approach by uniting professional music programs with contemplative and wellness practices to support musicians' professional, physical, and holistic wellbeing. 


One Heart Virtuoso Concert Series

Friday, 6/21, at 7pm

The highly expected One Heart Virtuoso Concert Series will return to Ukiah for the summer of 2024. A rare occasion, where world-class virtuosos come together in Ukiah, sharing with audience some finest performances. The concert will present Barbara Bogatin, Cellist of the San Francisco Symphony; Jeremy Cohen, three-time Grammy-nominated violinst; guitarists Alex de Grassi and Dr. Maja Radovanija; violaist Paul Yabrough; and saxophonist Dr. Wenbo Yin. 

Book your tickets here: One Heart Virtuoso Concert Tickets 

Public Talks

Dr. Clifford Saron Research Scientist, UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain

June 16: Neuroplasticity and Musicians' Brains - How musical training shapes our brains.

June 17: Brains in Concert - Brain-to-brain coupling during performance.

June 18: There's Something About Stillness - The effects of meditation on perception, attention, and emotion.

2024 Summer Music Workshop

Ukiah, California

The summer music immersion programs offer musicians a direct opportunity to "fine tune oneself." Participants will work with a team of world-class music faculty and experts of contemplative and wellness practices in a wholesome and supportive environment. This integrated approach will nurture participants musically, physically, and holistically. The programs are open to music students, professionals, and amateurs. 

The 2024 summer workshop will take place at the Sudhana Center in Ukiah, Northern California, two hours north of San Francisco. Learn more: Summer Programs 2024.

Three Days: 06/16 - 06/18/2024

One Week: 06/16 - 06/22/2024 ; 06/23 - 06/30/2024

Two Weeks: 06/16 - 06/30/2024


Connect with Us

2024 Summer Music Workshop

Sudhana Center,

225 S Hope St, Ukiah, CA 95482